Download the Nokia Lumia 520 user manual here. This is the user manual for the Nokia Lumia 520. There are a number of Nokia telephones in Lumia range and you can view the list of Nokia phones in the user manual directory here and also the Lumia directory. The Lumia 520 does not have 4G and only comes with 3G and 2G as a mobile phone.
Table of Contents
Nokia Lumia 520 User Manual
If you are looking for 4G then you would best look at such telephones as the Nokia Lumia 928 , Lumia 925 and also the Lumia 720 which has 4G connectivity. The 520 does come with 8GB storage built in which is much bigger than the 720 but the same size as the 925 Lumia. The mobile phone also comes with Microsoft Windows Phone 8 as an operating system and is powered by a Dual-core 1 GHz processor. The power usage is good as you can play music for 61 hours and it is a very good phone if you are not into the 4G market. The manual for the mobile phone has been listed below..

Hard Reset Lumia 520
You can learn how o do a hard reset of the Nokia Lumia 520 on the above link. This will delete all the data on the phone and will reset the mobile phone to its factory settings. Note that all the data will be destroyed and you will not be able to recover the data again. Always make a backup of your data, phone book and other settings such as your APN settings as well as other wireless settings. See more option below as well as in the link above to the relevant page.
Nokia 520 Copy Contacts
If you are going to hard reset the Lumia 520 then you will need to make a backup of your mobile phone. This would include your data as well as all your settings. You might want to copy your contacts to an SDCard or simply copy them to your home computer. See the webpage above with the link to show you how to copy your contacts. Likewise also see the Nokia Lumia 525 Manual on this webiste.
Nokia Lumia 520 Settings
If you wish to connect to the network then you can check the Lumia 520 settings as shown on this website. This also includes setting up the network settings as well as how to enable or disable roaming when out of the country. See the page listed above in the link into how to do this.
Nokia 520 WiFi internet connection
If you are going to connect to the internet then you will need to setup the network connection for WiFi. You can see the page which is linked above in the link. Notice that there are WiFi settings as well as network settings for GSM roaming which is also listed above.
Nokia 520 Bluetooth Settings
If you wish to setup the Bluetooth settings on the Nokia Lumia 520 then you can find more information from the link above. The Bluetooth settings are very easy to setup and you can view the page to see how to connect your Lumia 520 to other Bluetooth devices.
Lumia 520 make text larger
If you wish to change your screen settings then you can find the settings and setup of the mobile phone in the link above this.
Nokia Lumia 520 Screen Settings
You can find the settings for the phone on the screen settings as well as how to change the Theme or background of the mobile phone. You can also check the ringtone settings for the phone on the linked page to the phone.
Nokia Lumia 520 Writing Text
You can see how to write text and change the text and language settings. This on this page with the link above. You can also learn how to copy and paste text from one program to another on the link listed above called writing text on the Lumia 520. Likewise also see the Nokia Lumia 1020 Manual and the Nokia Lumia 800 Manual.
Making Calls on the Lumia 520
Want to know how to setup a conference call, divert calls or how to add a call. This to your address book on your Lumia 520? See the link above on making calls on how to do all of this on your mobile phone. You can also learn how to mute one party during the call. Likewise, how to end these calls when you are done. Learn to setup your messaging on the above link. Likewise also how to making telephone calls as well as voicemail setup. You can also see how to setup your SMS messaging with your mobile phone provider in your home country. calls
Lumia 520 Troubleshooting
These are the basic troubleshooting for very common problems that people experience. Lastly also see the articles on the Nokia Lumia 1320 Manual as well as the Factory Reset Lumia 630.
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