Cable & Wireless APN Settings for Antigua

You will note the Cable & Wireless APN Settings for Antigua listed here. I have also added an article on the Cable & Wireless APN Settings for Anguilla as well. To manually configure Cable & Wireless (Antigua) APN settings on your Android device for internet or MMS access in Antigua and Barbuda, follow these steps as follows.

Cable & Wireless APN Settings for Anguilla


1. Go to Settings ➔ Connections ➔ Mobile networks ➔ Access Point Names on your Android.

2. Press Add on the top right corner.

3. If Android has already set values for Antigua:Lime:Mms for any fields below, leave them.

– Name: Antigua:Lime:Mms
– APN: multimedia
– MMSC: http://mmsc
– Multimedia message proxy:
– Multimedia message port: 8799
– MCC: 344
– MNC: 920
– Authentication type: PAP
– APN type: mms
– APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
– Lastly the APN roaming protocol: IPv4

4. Leave the Proxy, Port, Username, Password, Server, and Bearer fields unspecified.

5. Restart your Android device to apply new Antigua:Lime:Mms APN settings.



1. Go to Settings ➔ Connections ➔ Mobile networks ➔ Access Point Names on your Android.

2. Press Add on the top right corner.

3. If Android has already set values for Antigua:Lime:Internet for any fields below, leave them. Change the other fields as below:

– Name: Antigua:Lime:Internet
– APN: internet
– MCC: 344

See also  b-mobile APN Settings Japan

– APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
– MNC: 920
– Authentication type: PAP
– APN type: default,ia,dun
– APN roaming protocol: IPv4

4. Leave the Proxy, Port, Username, Password, Server, MMSC, Multimedia message proxy, Multimedia message port, and Bearer fields unspecified.

5. Restart your Android device to apply new Antigua:Lime:Internet APN settings.

Cable & Wireless (Antigua) MCC-MNC values

– 344-920

Lastly the Cable & Wireless APN Settings for Antigua is similar to the Cable & Wireless APN Settings for Anguilla as well as the MOVICEL APN Settings as well.



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