Etisalat APN & MMS Settings

MMS settingsThese are the Etisalat APN & MMS Settings. You can find the APN settings for Etisalat below as well as the MMS settings for the network in Sri Lanka. Note that you can see the pages on the sidebar which shows how to install your APN settings into your mobile phone. There are a number of mobile phone providers in Sri Lanka however Etisalat has two separate APN settings. The one is for prepaid while the other is for postpaid mobile phone accounts.

Etisalat APN & MMS Settings

Note that the APN difference between the Prepaid and the Postpaid SIM cards. You will also note that the APN for both for Postpaid and Prepaid is the same. Note that the Etisalat USSD codes are also listed on this website.

APN for Prepaid SIMwap / web
APN Postpaid SIMwap / internet
MMS APN both Postpaid and Prepaidmms

You can find the full MMS as well as the APN settings for the Etisalat mobile phone network. Simply substitute the APN’s above with what type of SIM card you have.

APN SettingsMMS Settings
Name : Etisalat InternetName :  Etisalat  MMS
APN :  wapThe APN : mms
Proxy : Not SetProxy : Not Set
Port : Not SetPort : Not Set
Username : Not SetUsername : Not Set
Password : Not SetPassword : Not Set
Server : Not SetServer : Not Set
MMSC : Not SetMMSC :
MMS Proxy : Not SetMVNO Value : Notset
MMS Port : Not SetThe MMS Proxy :
MCC : 413MMS Port : 9401
MNC : 03MCC : 413
Authentication Type : Not SetMNC : 03
APN type : default,suplAuthentication Type : Not Set
The APN protocol: Ipv4The APN type : mms
APN roaming protocol: Ipv4APN protocol: Ipv4
Enable/disable APN: APN EnabledAPN roaming protocol: Ipv4
Bearer: UnspecifiedEnable/disable APN: APN Enabled
MVNO type : NoneBearer: Unspecified
MVNO Value : NotsetMVNO type : None
See also  Verizon MMS Settings : Samsung Galaxy Note 4

Etisalat APN & MMS SettingsYou can also find more settings on this website. The settings such as MMS as well as the APN settings for Etisalat you can find it on this website. See how best to insert the settings into your mobile phone. Etisalat is one of many operators in Sri Lanka and you can find the others also on this website. Speak to them if these MMS settings or APN settings do not work.


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