G-Mobile Mongolian APN Settings

The MMS settingsThe Mongolian G-Mobile mobile APN settings as well as the G-Mobile MMS settings has been added below. You can add these settings to your mobile phone as can be seen on the right-bar to insert the APN as well as the MMS  settings into your Windows, Apple or Android mobile phone. Notice the Apple settings right at the bottom for an easy way to insert the settings. These are the latest settings for the G-Mobile mobile phone network in Mongolia.

G-Mobile Mongolia APN & MMS Settings

You can find other APN and MMS settings on this website such as the following mobile phone networks:

Notice the settings below and add these into your mobile phone as can be seen on the sidebar of this website for each different type of operating systems on the mobile phones such as Windows, Apple as well as the Android mobile phone operating system.

Internet Settings

MMS Settings

Name : G-MobileName : G-Mobile MMS
APN : internetAPN : gmobilewap
Proxy : Not SetProxy : Not Set
Port : Not SetPort : Not Set
Username : Not SetUsername : Not Set
Password :  Not SetPassword :  Not Set
Server :  Not SetServer :  Not Set
MMSC : Not SetMMSC :
The MMS Proxy : Not SetThe MMS Proxy :
MMS Port : Not SetMMS Port : 8080
MCC : (Keep default)MCC : (Keep default)
MNC : (Keep default)MNC : (Keep default)
Authentication Type : Not SetAuthentication Type : Not Set
APN type : defaultThe APN type : mms
APN protocol: Ipv4APN protocol: Ipv4
Enable/Disable APN: APN EnabledEnable/disable APN: APN Enabled
Bearer: UnspecifiedBearer: Unspecified
MVNO type : NoneThe MVNO type : None
MVNO Value : Not setMVNO Value : Not set
See also  Mobicom Mongolia APN Settings

Apple iPhone APN Settings

APN: internet
Username: Blank
Password: Blank
APN : gmobilewap
Username: blank
Password: blank
MMS Proxy:
The MMS Message Size: 1048576
MMS UA Prof URL: blank


Note the MMS proxy as well as the message size.


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