Telenor Myanmar APN Settings

MMS settingsThe Telenor Myanmar APN Settings has been added below. The APN settings as well as the MMS settings for the Telenor mobile network in Myanmar or Burma. Note that there are a number of other operators such as Ooredoo in Myanmar which are also listed on this website. The Telenor network has its APN and MMS setting listed below for Android, Windows as well as an Apple phone or tablets. Note that there is also a limitation on the MMS size settings.

Telenor Myanmar APN Settings

You will find the Telenor APN Settings for the Android mobile phone listed below.

Name : Telenor MM
APN : internet
Proxy : Not Set
Port : Not Set
Username : Not Set
Password : Not Set
Server : Not Set
MMSC : Not Set
The MMS Proxy : Not Set
MMS Port : Not Set
MCC : (Keep default)
MNC : (Keep default)
Authentication Type : Not Set
APN type : default
APN protocol: Ipv4
Enable/Disable APN: APN Enabled
Bearer: Unspecified
MVNO type : None
MVNO Value : Not set

Note the MMS settings for the Telenor network with the MMS settings which have been added below. You can also contact their call center if you are not able to do the settings yourself.

APN: internet
Username: Blank
Password: Blank
Username: blank
Password: blank
MMSC: blank
The MMS Proxy: blank
The MMS Message Size: 1048576
MMS UA Prof URL: blank

Search this website for more information and assistance when it comes to the mobile networks in Myanmar or Burma.

See also  Unitel Mongolia APN Settings


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